OK gang, my last sale for the G110V2 fell through, as has my sale for the Klasse twins. I need to quit this addiction, as all I have done is blow money on products, and spend way too much time in my gararge. (The wife is ready to kill me, seriously) So I need to simplify, and as such, going back to what I used to do, wax by hand every 3-4 months. So with out further ado, here is what I have for sale:
One used G110 V2, including standard 6" Meguiars backing plate, and extra set of brushes, this unit has about 40 hours of total use, and works perfectly. I purchased it last May, and have had zero problems. I will include the original receipt so you will have the remainder of the 1 year warranty. Also have all the tools, and owners manual for it, as well as the Meguiars case.
One Shine 3.5" backing plate
One Pad conditioning brush
8 Meguiars Soft Buff 7" Polishing pads (6 are used, 2 are brand new) all in good shape
4 Meguiars Soft Buff 7" Finishing pads (2 are used, 2 are brand new) all in good shape
6 total Lake Country CCS 4" pads- orange (used), white (used), all the rest are brand new blue, green, red, black
33.8 oz Klasse AIO Brand new
16.9 oz Klasse SG Brand new
Ultimate Compound 95% full
Ultimate Polish 95% full
Meguiars #3 Machine Polish 95% full
Collinite 845 Liquid Wax Brand new
12 Meguiars Microfiber polishing cloths all used, but in great shape
1 full Clay bar, and 1/2 claybar with reuseable case.
Asking $135 shipped in the lower 48 states.
One used G110 V2, including standard 6" Meguiars backing plate, and extra set of brushes, this unit has about 40 hours of total use, and works perfectly. I purchased it last May, and have had zero problems. I will include the original receipt so you will have the remainder of the 1 year warranty. Also have all the tools, and owners manual for it, as well as the Meguiars case.
One Shine 3.5" backing plate
One Pad conditioning brush
8 Meguiars Soft Buff 7" Polishing pads (6 are used, 2 are brand new) all in good shape
4 Meguiars Soft Buff 7" Finishing pads (2 are used, 2 are brand new) all in good shape
6 total Lake Country CCS 4" pads- orange (used), white (used), all the rest are brand new blue, green, red, black
33.8 oz Klasse AIO Brand new
16.9 oz Klasse SG Brand new
Ultimate Compound 95% full
Ultimate Polish 95% full
Meguiars #3 Machine Polish 95% full
Collinite 845 Liquid Wax Brand new
12 Meguiars Microfiber polishing cloths all used, but in great shape
1 full Clay bar, and 1/2 claybar with reuseable case.
Asking $135 shipped in the lower 48 states.
